HEALTH | 9 simple steps that will keep you healthy

 "Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship."
- Buddha
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. Buddha
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Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. Buddha
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Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. Buddha
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Women live fast - they take care of the family, educate children, go shopping, maintain a house, cook and go to work. With such a busy lifestyle, they often "ignore" their health. Physical and mental health is directly related to the diet. Nutritional substances such as vitamins B and D, proteins, iron, folic acid, chromium, calcium, magnesium, enzymes, fibers and essential fatty acids are very important for the health of each woman. Proper food choices can strengthen the bones, increase energy and act preventively on the occurrence of numerous diseases.
Also, the modern way of life has led to the fact that there is no woman with no gynecological problems. Unhealthy diet, an accelerated and stressful way of life are certainly the main reason of all irregularities in the work of our organism, but much more of the consequences result from ignoring the signals that the body sends us. There are symptoms that should not be ignored, and on the other hand, many serious illnesses can develop without any indicators, and therefore a preventive and regular gynecological examination is of paramount importance.

These are 9 really incredible and simple moves that will preserve the health of women. For moms check some cool tips here.

1. Prepare yourself before going to the doctor 
Think about what is disturbing you and what you should talk to your doctor.

 2. "Get to know" your breasts 
Review your breasts every month, best after completing your period. Self-examination is very important in women, and if you experience a lump, contact your doctor immediately. It is very important and agree with your doctor when the best time to prevent a mammogram is preventively.  

3. Beware of stains
 It is necessary to keep track of any change in stains, color, shape, size. If you notice something unusual, contact a dermatologist, and do not leave the home without creams with a protective skin on the skin.

 4. Record menstrual cycles
 By reading the beginning and ending of the cycle you can easily notice if something is wrong. Irregular cycles can be indicators of some health problems.

 5. Take folic acid
 Although the most common folic acid is taken when preparing for pregnancy, during and after childbirth, doctors recommend that every woman who is 15 to 45 years old should take folic acid daily. It is in spinach, cereals, and you can also take it as an addition to your diet ...

 6. Walk at least ten minutes every day
If you are too tired to go to the gym after a busy day, do not worry. It takes ten minutes to move. It's better than nothing. Instead of an elevator, climb the stairs or take a walk for about ten minutes in the air.  

7. Do something you love for at least five minutes a day
 Secure at least five minutes of time for yourself and reward yourself with something you love to do. It will help relieve stress that can trigger many health problems. 

 8. Relax
 Good sleep means a lot for health. Try to sleep at least eight hours a night.

 9. Keep your mouth hygiene 
Keeping your mouth hygiene is very important, especially for women. Not only is the insufficient hygiene of the oral cavity associated with some heart disease, but there is a danger during pregnancy that due to the formation of gingivitis and the bacterium that causes it comes to premature birth. 

 And one pro tip for all moms. Once a baby arrives, it can seem as if the laundry doubles! Use
baby laundry detergent because babies has a sensitive skin.

Don't remember you are special, so take care of yourself.